Does an opposition always mean "no"?

I recently set a chart for a very close male friend of mine asking if he would have a baby in 2 years. (He is a 44 year-old man, never married, who wants children very much.)

Since he's a friend, I used the 11th house as his significator. It is ruled by Virgo. The 5th house of children is ruled by Capricon. The day I asked the question, the moon was in Capricorn and made oppositions to his 1st and fifth house ruler. (However, the moon is in the fifth house.)

I interpreted the chart to be a "no" because of the moon in its detriment in Capricorn (though in mutual reception with Saturn in Cancer) because the radical moon opposed the significators.

Is this right?


Staff member
Without the chart is it hard to give a horary judgment.

But as a rule, when there is an opposition with good mutual reception - this may well mean that initially the situation is difficult but it can be worked out. As this is a question related to a specific time frame and the Moon opposes Saturn (=time), I think there is a possibility for him to have a baby but only later.