Making sense of Saturn transits

al Nablusi

Well-known member
I will soon experience a strong Saturn transit. Saturn is already in conjunction orb to my Sun, then it will transit on my Ascendant and my Venus. At the same time, it will square my Midheaven and Mars, the fourth house cusp and Neptune. How are these transits going to turn out?

To illustrate how they work - at least for me - I have decided to create this thread, where I will post the most important events and processes that will take place. My birth chart is attached to this message.

Let's start with what is going on now.


(Saturn: Leo, 12th house, detriment, conjunct Sun (- 7 degrees orb), sextile Uranus, square Midheaven, trine Jupiter)

* Spent the past three years living in an horrible small and messy flat in a dark, cold and unhospitable country. Almost nobody around. No social life. Days and days spent on my own.

* Death of very close relatives

* Minor brain seizure of a relative

The good ones, now

* A re-shaping of my body took place. I lost more or less 10 kilos. Gave up a sedentary lifestyle and began a very demanding training program. I turned from slightly plump to athletic. Began wearing elegant clothes. Changed so much that people who hadn't seen me for a few months would not recognize me at first.

* I am giving up, or at least drastically reducing, smoking and drinking

* Engaged in prayer and meditation. And this is giving me more self assurance, and a greater clearness of mind. Also, a piercing intuition and an improved ability to immediately figure out the true nature of people and situations and understand their true motives. I became more selective in my relationships, and carefully chose those I give my trust to.

* I started paying a greater attention to my nutrition, totally avoiding all kinds of junk food, snacks etc. My only consolation is a night pint.


I'll update this thread as events unfold.


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Well-known member
al Nablusi said:
I will soon experience a strong Saturn transit. Saturn is already in conjunction orb to my Sun, then it will transit on my Ascendant and my Venus. At the same time, it will square my Midheaven and Mars, the fourth house cusp and Neptune. How are these transits going to turn out?

To illustrate how they work - at least for me - I have decided to create this thread, where I will post the most important events and processes that will take place. My birth chart is attached to this message.

Let's start with what is going on now.


(Saturn: Leo, 12th house, detriment, conjunct Sun (- 7 degrees orb), sextile Uranus, square Midheaven, trine Jupiter)

* Spent the past three years living in an horrible small and messy flat in a dark, cold and unhospitable country. Almost nobody around. No social life. Days and days spent on my own.

* Death of very close relatives

* Minor brain seizure of a relative

The good ones, now

* A re-shaping of my body took place. I lost more or less 10 kilos. Gave up a sedentary lifestyle and began a very demanding training program. I turned from slightly plump to athletic. Began wearing elegant clothes. Changed so much that people who hadn't seen me for a few months would not recognize me at first.

* I am giving up, or at least drastically reducing, smoking and drinking

* Engaged in prayer and meditation. And this is giving me more self assurance, and a greater clearness of mind. Also, a piercing intuition and an improved ability to immediately figure out the true nature of people and situations and understand their true motives. I became more selective in my relationships, and carefully chose those I give my trust to.

* I started paying a greater attention to my nutrition, totally avoiding all kinds of junk food, snacks etc. My only consolation is a night pint.


I'll update this thread as events unfold.
Hi AN,
Why don't u post me your birth details, let me figure this out, using vedic system of astro.
It would be great for me to understand the concepts clearly.



Well-known member
Hi Al
I am including the transit chart in vedic astrology, with the points given to each house, as per the placements of the planets in your chart.
If you see Saturn has moved from cancer to leo a jump from 19 to 27.
This is what we call a quantum jump, maybe this explains the changes in your lifestyle. Also its conjunct with venus thus your elegant lifestyle.
Interestingly the last quantum jump (or fall came should've come for you around 2.5 3 years ago, when Saturn moved from Gemini to cancer, 36 to 19 QUANTUM Fall. and you can see the change, as Cancer is the 12th house in your chart, it means a foreign land.

Cool this thing DOES Work..interesting
2nd aug mercury goes to the 12th house,
19th august venus turns retrograde and goes back to cancer, let's see what happens then.
keep us posted


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Well-known member
Interesting thread--hope you keep it up...

Saturn transits are great for losing weight. It's conjunct my Moon now, has been going back and forth over it for almost a year, and within that time, I've lost weight and developed healthier eating habits.

al Nablusi

Well-known member

this is very interesting. But how does Nadi astrology work? And what is a quantum jump. The indications about past events you got from the Nadi chart are rather accurate, I would say.

But what about Mercury entering the 12 house in august, and Venus' retrogradation? What could I expect from these transits?


I will keep it up. If you want to keep your weight, beware of the coming Pluto/Jupiter conjunction trining your Moon, because that may result in a weight gain.


Well-known member
al Nablusi said:
If you want to keep your weight, beware of the coming Pluto/Jupiter conjunction trining your Moon, because that may result in a weight gain.
And here I was hoping transiting Jupiter trine to my 4th Moon would indicate travel but instead may mean extra pounds <grin>

Actually my weight loss was caused by dental crises. Each time Saturn transited over my Moon, I broke a tooth and because of procrastination, suffered toothaches rather than getting the problem fixed. And so my eating was reduced by necessity.

I've noticed Saturn transits over the Sun or Moon frequently indicate dental problems.

Were the relatives who died female or related to your mother? Transiting Pluto has been squaring your natal Moon for a while.

Good idea to cut down on your drinking with Saturn approaching a square to your Neptune...

al Nablusi

Well-known member
Spin said:
I've noticed Saturn transits over the Sun or Moon frequently indicate dental problems.

....and also sleeplessness, sometimes,

Spin said:
Were the relatives who died female or related to your mother? Transiting Pluto has been squaring your natal Moon for a while.

Yes, it was my father. And also a relative from my mother's side. Besides the Pluto/natal Moon square is resulting in a lack of sleep. Not because of insomnia, rather, because the sleep is interrupted by different events: people coming in early in the morning, noises etc.

Spin said:
...Saturn approaching a square to your Neptune...

This square may be good for those who have rather disordered living habits. Under this transits they may become more disciplined.


Well-known member
al Nablusi said:
This square may be good for those who have rather disordered living habits. Under this transits they may become more disciplined.
Yes, good point about Saturn and tidiness.

It's always interesting to see how transits will manifest. I think knowledge of astrology gives us the ability to detach and examine our experiences with relative objectivity. Certainly makes life's challenges easier to handle/understand.


New member
I think you are handling your transits MARVELOUSLY. You are being pro-active, organized, discerning, disciplined and this is what Saturn is all about.

Keep up the good work!!!

al Nablusi

Well-known member what happened?

On July 23 transiting Saturn received a powerful activation.

Grand Cross:

Venus at 2 Virgo conjunct Saturn at 25 Leo. Venus: fall and maleficated by being conjunct a malefic. Saturn: detriment, in the terms of a malefic (Mars) and opposing Neptune.

Mars at 21 Taurus: detriment, but in its own terms. In mutual reception with the Moon. Two detrimented planets receiving each other are like two drunks walking each other home. None of them can achieve much or help the other much. Rather, they may put themselves in trouble. When it comes to transit, this reception can be rather malefic. Particularly because Mars is in detriment. Its worst symbolis may become manifest. Mars is in my ninth house.

Moon at 21 Scorpio. detrimented and in mutual reception with Mars. Same as above. The Moon was entering my fourth house

Neptune at 21 Aquarius. Transiting Neptune falls in my natal sixth house.

The grand cross fell between my 12th and 6th houses and my fourth and ninth. Scary. I knew womething relevant would happen, but most of the times I am unable to interpret my own transits. I thought they would be related to my job. I am trying to change job, and I was contacted by a prospective employer. The job would involve a relocation. So in theory the symbolism of transiting planets was rather fitting. Seeing the Grand Cross I thought: I am going to receive a negative reply. Nonetheless this interpretation didn't persuade me too much. More the result of my expectations than of an unbiased analysis. So I decided to wait and see what would happen.

The fact that the Grand Cross cast only soft aspects to my natal planets was somehow relieving.

Here's what happened: my mother got a severe back-ache, and for a couple of days was unable to do anything, and in need of assistance. So I had to set almost everything else aside and focus on household chores.

Notice how the planetary symbols are particularly fitting here:
fourth house (the mother) - transiting planet squaring Saturn (bones, spine) in the twelfth house (events that I cannot control and that do not require me to take any kind of action either) - mars (inflamations, etc) Neptune in the sixth - medical condition health issues.

Going to have a look at the August transits - when a grand cross will align between mu first/seventh house and the fourth/tenth house - this time casting only squares and oppositions to my natal planets - and post my interpretation as soon as possible.

Let me know how this grand cross affected you.


Well-known member
Transiting Saturn is also approaching a quincunx to your natal Moon.

Was your mother's pain in the lower back/tailbone region (4th house Sagittarius)?


Well-known member

Saturn across the ascendant can mean many things....depending upon your age and the level of your maturity.

Also, the aspect Saturn makes as it crosses your ascendant, and in your case Saturn will make a t-square first to your Mars and then to your Neptune a few degrees later (but before Saturn retrogrades.)

Saturn across the ascendant always "wants" you to take more responsibility, focus on details, become more mature and recognize obligations. Also it wants you to know when to say YES and when to say NO... if you have a problem saying YES or NO, you will need to do some personal work.

Saturn square Mars says NO to flighty, unfocused actions, and Saturn square Neptune says no to drugs, alcohol and deception, whether self deception or being deceptive to others.

Saturn angular always makes the core issues in your life pretty clear. And as a maturn person you must FACE the facts, he truth and the responsibility.

However, fear not, because at this time Pluto will be sextiling your Uranus and transit Uranus will be trining your natal Saturn.

As important or moreso as Saturn crossing the asc. is Uranus conjuncting your Moon.... this is probably what you are 'feeling' and what may be causing a lot of issues in your life.

With Neptune ruling your 7th, and Neptune being one of the planets which will be squared this year, and Uranus conj. the moon on your 8th cusp, if you are married it may be a crisis for this relationship or any legal partnership you may be in.

Yes, sometimes it makes one want to discipline onesself, but one must be careful of keeping a balanced perspective on THIS too. Asceticism doesn't necessarily bring wisdom or happiness.
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al Nablusi

Well-known member
Cheers! This interpretation was really really welcome, as I am trying to understand how this Saturn transit will work on my....and getting somehow scared in the process. I'm going to quote the key points in the delineation

Libra20 said:
Saturn crossing the AC and entering the first: marked physical changes. Losing weight effortlessly is common....this the period of maximum opportunity for building a new body as well as a new personality. but that building takes discipline, perseverance and lots of work ... But I have also witnessed weak and sickly people begin a health regimen during this period which resulted in their achieving a state of excellent health and abundant energy even before Saturn left the 1st house.

This is true. I don't know how, but during the last two weeks I lost some more weight. Nothing special. Just one or two kilos. The thing is that I kept eating whatever I wanted, really. But I also spent almost two weeks doing lots of trekking...trekking in rivers, trekking on a volcano, swimming, spent an average of 10 hours a day walking etc. I am a lot more disciplined than I used to be just a year ago, and I am keeping a very strict food regimen. Zero fats, low proteins, 200 g of carbs a day, plenty of vegetables and fruit. The result: I feel full of energy.

Libra20 said:
it often takes the form of going to a counselor, astrologer or other kind of therapist.

I am about to begin an homeopathic cure.

Libra20 said:
The expression "getting it together" is an apt one for describing Saturn in the 1st house, for - as Saturn leaves the 12 house- the individual often feels like a new born child, open to everything, endlessly curious, but also without much discipline or definite structure in the personality.

True as well. I feel reborn, full of energy, curious and open minded. But calmer. It is as if all the chances life has to offer me are lying before me, and I just have to take them as soon as they come.

I feel - now - more or less the way I felt during the best period of my adolescence. With the only difference that I turned 32 the other day.

Some aspects of the delineation worry me a bit - to be honest. Particularly those about responsibility. Saturn is less than 1 degree from my Sun now, and I still cannot figure out what those responsibilites may be. However, I will keep you posted,

Going to dinner,


al Nablusi

Well-known member
Cheers Lin,

You were right on nearly everything. This far, I am still wondering about the responsibilities I may have to take on when Saturn will enter Virgo. But responsibilities will come, sooner or later. What I find particularly interesting is the following:

Lin said:
With Neptune ruling your 7th, and Neptune being one of the planets which will be squared this year, and Uranus conj. the moon on your 8th cusp, if you are married it may be a crisis for this relationship or any legal partnership you may be in.

Because at the moment I do not have a relationship. Actually, I had a very short lived relationship. The Venus rx period is not exactly the best one to start a relationship. Me and this guy couldn't make our minds up on whether we wanted to be together or not, and now we're just friends.

Neptune rules my seventh house and will be squared by Saturn: as I told him, what I fear the most are the responsibilites involved in a relationship. Saturn will soon conjunct my Sun and my Venus.
Square Mars: responsibilities and keeping cool. Something that given my difficult temper and my rage outbursts is quite hard for me.

Given that now I am single, my take on this is that I may be involved in a relationship, something that at the moment I do not really want, and have to face some responsibilities.


Well-known member
Since you have no current relationship, these transits have a LOT to do with what you should VALUE ...or what you do or do not value and how that is or is not working for you.....get it?

In other words, Saturn wants you to find a partner who you can feel compatibility, chemistry and LOVE with.... and not just a temporary chemical rush. This means self examination, to find what you truly WANT and VALUE in another human being.... and IF....and it's a big IF... if you are ready to have a long term relationship.... and to be honest with yourself if you DO or DON'T....
Honesty with onesself is a big issue when Neptune rules either the 7th or 8th houses. If you are not honest with yourself you can't be honest with others (it's just common sense) and therefore you will attract and be attracted to a wrong person.....a person who is Neptunian... and 99 times out of a hundred that means a person who is "basically" Neptunian... and in the real world, that's not positive. Neptunians have major issues and honesty, in one form or another, is among the first 2.

Now I'm not saying all Neptunians are dishonest; unfortunately, most Neptunians are unconcious and unclear.... not able to see themselves clearly nor others. So if this is what YOU are attracted to, you are going to continue to have very short relationships.

Saturn will focus on the core issues... and you will "get it." Eventually. and end up older and wiser.


Well-known member
al nablusi,

i appreciate you posting this thread because it is very interesting.

i myself is going through saturn transit, just came out of saturn return in 10th house where sun, saturn and venus were. imagine! i had a wonderful job with prestage but suffered a lot in the office due to colleague-boss relationship and left work. i am now jobless and there is no sight what-so-ever of the new one coming up.

the transit saturn is now in 11th house going over my natal mars on 2vir30 as i speak! they said, i would probably feel depressed during this period but so far, i am not feeling anything heavy or depressed nor having accident or anything. just me staying at home apart from one thing...

mars is my 7th house ruler since i am libra asc. someone predicted that few years ago that when saturn goes over the mars, i may be reunited with someone(talking about saturn retro- direct) from past and may decide to settle down. funny enough, ex bf did indeed got in touch with me all of sudden. i dont think he had romantic intentions on me, but it was a nice surprise. i may have to mention that my natal uranus is on 3sco02 that literally trining the transit saturn conjunct natal mars! surprise, suprise!

from all this, i can say, 'YES, saturn is a good teacher'. if we are not deligent, they go hard on us until we behave properly. saturn return showed me this, as well as this old bf getting in touch, taught me lots of valuable lessons.

i wish you all the best for your journey with saturn too. ;)



Well-known member
For me, tr. Saturn is in the last few degrees of my 6th house(as my Descendant is at 5 Virgo), and squaring my North Node at 2 Gemini(3rd), and within 3 degrees of conjuncting my Descendant at 5 Virgo. What kinds of things could I see transpire out of this combo, and is this an important combo? I am happily married for a long time and pretty healthy-been on a fitness program and making good progress(would like to be minus just 5 lbs however). I had my second Saturn return(natal Saturn being in 6th anyway along with Pluto and the Moon) starting in late 2005 and that ended in mid-2006. After that, my husband and I relocated back to our beloved San Francisco. Actually, when we relocated, tr. Saturn was conjuncting my Moon in 6th, tr. Uranus was just a few degrees past my Asc., an tr. Pluto was just past the last pass of opposing my Uranus, so I had definitely supportive transits for that relocation! But it's the tr. Saturn combo that I could use some input on anyway...29 years ago, I got very thin, such that some of my friends thought I was too thin. It was effortless - stress in the form of aftermath of mother's death, father's nervous breakdown, and plenty of dance classes took care of that, as well as employment uncertainties and little money.
June 21, 1947 11:51PM Providence, RI USA
if anyone wants to take a peek - thanks!


Well-known member
For me, tr. Saturn is in the last few degrees of my 6th house(as my Descendant is at 5 Virgo), and squaring my North Node at 2 Gemini(3rd), and within 3 degrees of conjuncting my Descendant at 5 Virgo. What kinds of things could I see transpire out of this combo, and is this an important combo? I am happily married for a long time and pretty healthy-been on a fitness program and making good progress(would like to be minus just 5 lbs however). I had my second Saturn return(natal Saturn being in 6th anyway along with Pluto and the Moon) starting in late 2005 and that ended in mid-2006. After that, my husband and I relocated back to our beloved San Francisco. Actually, when we relocated, tr. Saturn was conjuncting my Moon in 6th, tr. Uranus was just a few degrees past my Asc., an tr. Pluto was just past the last pass of opposing my Uranus, so I had definitely supportive transits for that relocation! But it's the tr. Saturn combo that I could use some input on anyway...29 years ago, I got very thin, such that some of my friends thought I was too thin. It was effortless - stress in the form of aftermath of mother's death, father's nervous breakdown, and plenty of dance classes took care of that, as well as employment uncertainties and little money.
June 21, 1947 11:51PM Providence, RI USA
if anyone wants to take a peek - thanks!