Conversations with Gemini & Virgo


Well-known member
Personal conversations with a Virgo Sun and Moon. (disclaimer: I am Gemini Sun, Moon)

Gemini: They're trying to get me to replace the flooring with a more expensive vinyl
Virgo: Well this is the way it works, of course they want better flooring so it dosen't happen again
Gemini: But they aren't paying for it, so they're using my insurance for upgrades they should have anyway because their building is made poorly
Virgo: This is how it works! You're trying to blame someone else for your mistake
Gemini: Why are you always out of FRAME of the conversation?? I'm talking about them using the situation to their advantage. If I brake your laptop, do I owe you better laptop??
Virgo: None of that matters. It's not even that much more expensive. Be careful next time and you won't have to worry about this.
Gemini: Just because it's "HOW IT WORKS" dosen't mean it's how it should work! How do things change if your concept of right and wrong is based on the standards that already exist??
Virgo: You're crazy, go take a nap.

Virgo: The correct phrase is "off the bat", it's a reference to baseball
Gemini: Well, many people say "off the back", and it has taken on a new meaning
Virgo: That's not correct, you can't just change a meaning
Gemini: How do you think the English language came about? Why is that more legitimate than a group of people changing a phrase and making their own interpretation?
Virgo: Because you can't do that. You can, but you'll look like an idiot
Gemini: People should be able to make up their own language honestly
Virgo: You sound ridiculous

lol our conversations are very amusing until I get mad.
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