3rd House Stellium & 4th Aqua Sun


I have been unsuccessful in pursuing a career. I have not figured it out yet. I am a hard worker and determined but I haven't found anything that can stick and help me be independent.
I have always been shy and very independent and I think this is partially why I do not fit into a mold.
Does anyone see in my planets placements potential for a dog groomer job?
I am very accommodating, and strict when it comes to doing a task that I think this could work. With the 3rd house of community being full of planets and the sun in eccentric Aquarius I am hoping this can be positive.


Well-known member
I have a sun in Aquarius (8th) with a triplicity of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo (3rd). I have an interest in a higher-pay office career job in my life, but I haven't achieved that goal (Im 37 now). My job is grocery store clerk and held 8 other paid jobs as an adult. And what kind of planets are in your 3rd house stellium?