IC, 4th House, South Node and Past Lives. (Simple Interp Request)


Well-known member
I'm quite seasoned in astrology but looking for some confirmation on my findings here.

Consider for a moment, if you were to take NOTHING ELSE into consideration (no other aspects, signs, planets, etc) how would you personally feel about this if doing a past life reading:

Sun conjunct Saturn conjunct South Node. All in Scorpio. All clustered together within 1 degree exactly on the IC (4th house cusp).

Would you consider this a possible indication of a harsh past life? Would you would intuitively think of this regarding a past life if you were reading such a chart? Forget and ignore every other thing that could be in the chart for now.


Well-known member
I'm not sure a simply reply is even possible, esp not with MSN (Moon's south node) in Scorpio, which I also have. Rather than write a long reply to your request (because, as I said, this is not simple) I am going to guide you to what I believe is one of the better sites/blogs on the net dealing with the north and south nodes.
I will provide some links for your own research, but before I do that, just a word of advice ........ Do not get hung up on your past lives. They are what you are moving away from, and are not terribly relevant to what you are here to do. Your focus needs to be on your North Node in Taurus - a drive towards providing yourself with stability and security in your life, as opposed to the chaos of your collective past lives.

http://northnodeastrology.blogspot....urpose through the North Node and South Node?

http://northnodeastrology.blogspot.com.au/search/label/Planets conjunct the Nodes

http://northnodeastrology.blogspot.com.au/search/label/South Node Eighth House Scorpio

http://northnodeastrology.blogspot.com.au/search/label/North Node in Taurus