Is Pluto sextile Venus a positive transit?


Sunrise nailed it -

pluto to venus, especially a sextile or trine - attracts deep pockets or brings depth to your own - especially in matters of romance or creative artsy stuff.

if you have inclinations toward design, art, music - whatever creative, artistic, outlet it might be - and if you have considered making some money from it - this transit will assist you.

house rulers of venus in natal chart will show where you'll find the biggest bounty. the house that pluto is transiting shows where the bounty will come from/originate, both from your standpoint of inspiration and revealing as well as the type of people/organizations, business that will be supportive.

i sure hope you have some kind of artistic or creative pursuit to capitalize on with this transit.

right now, pluto retro at 17 is approaching conjunct to my natal jupiter 6th and then to conjunct saturn 6th with concurrent sextile my venus, ruler of 9th. i embarked on a business venture recently (past year) revolving around burning man, that is going kinda slow but definitely yielding some fruit bit by bit. i am very excited for pluto's conjunct/sextile to my saturn 6th and venus 9th for my business to take off as i believe it will. my caveat is that my health doesn't take a downturn or something to keep me from building my little business and preventing me from working at it.
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Pluto is currently in my 8th house and SEXtile my natal. Venus-Jupiter conjunction in the 6th house. Jupiter is ruler of my 7th and Venus is ruler of my 12th house (unless we use whole signs, Libra doesn't have a house). I am an artist so thanks for the advice. Now I know this transit can bring some good things, but despite the name of the aspect, it hasn't been very sexy.


okay -

i'm gonna do a bit of astrology 101 - pluto venus aspects - schooling.

Rule #1 -

Sex is only hot if it is on a bed of thousands of benjamins scattered about.

Rule #2 -

If you are artsy-fartsy - you had better pack up and be ready to fly with a great reserve of opportunity and potential wealth.

Rule #3 -

Don't confuse sex with power unless it brings you power.

Rule #4 -

Always look at where Pluto last hit your sun or moon - reality based truths of your past - and then look at where it will next hit your sun and moon - and then ask yourself - 'is venus a good ally in preparing me for the next sun-moon hit from pluto?"

Rule #5 -

When searching bottomlessly and tirelessly for love - always remember two things in the process - the possibilities of divorce and holdings.

do your creative stuff - the stuff that will sustain you. love will rush in like a flock of seagulls picky about what they eat - don't waste this transit on that.