Dodecatemoria - the zodiac within a single sign


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Dodecatemoria are subdivisions of the twelve signs of the Zodiac into a further twelve parts each. These can be said to form a "micro-zodiac" of 144 dodecatemoria, each corresponding to 2.5° of the ecliptic. In an alternate usage, the dodecamorion refers to a point on the ecliptic reached by the addition of twelve times a given number of degrees within a sign, either to the original degree, or to the beginning of the sign.

This system, used in Hellenistic astrology but less favored by later ages, apparently originated in Babylonian astrology.

My natal sun is 26' 20" Aquarius - thus I'm the most Aquarius of Aquarius. It's similar to Decans: the 0-9' of Aquarius, for example is Aquarius, 10-19' Libra and 20-29' Gemini (or vice versa-Libra, which means 10'-19' could be Gemini). My natal sun would either be Libran (ruled by Venus) or Geminian (ruled by Mercury) based on the decans. A Venus and Mercury can explain why I;m bigender or genderfluid - feminine Venus and gender ambiguous Mercury - plus my natal moon is 20' 24" Aquarius (New Moon-Feb 15, 1980).


Well-known member
Another method of determining your mini-sign is by hour of birth on your natal chart. Starting with 12am-2am-Aries to 10pm-12am-Pisces. I was born under a Scorpio (2:20pm Pacific), not to mention my ruler planet Uranus in Scorpio. This is known as the planetary hour and it falls under Pluto (or in traditional-Mars) in Scorpio. A 24-hour day divided into 2-hour signs ruled by the signs' ruler planets.

On weekday, it goes by traditional planets. Sunday-Sun, Mon-Moon, Tues-Jupiter, Wednes-Mercury, Thurs-Mars, Fri-Venus and Satur-Saturn. My birthdate is on a Friday, thus I'm under the influence of Venus.

And for years of the planets. 1 & 8 - Sun, 2 & 9 - Moon, 3 & 0 - Jupiter, 4- Mercury, 5 - Mars, 6- Venus and 7- Saturn. Which means, for example, my birth year 1980 is under Jupiter.
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Well-known member
If I want to spend a lot of time with a chart, I will look at them. They give a planet's sign just that much extra meaning. And sometimes you can find the dodecatemoria (also commonly called dwads or duads) repeating patterns.

An interesting article: one of several on dwads.


Well-known member
If I want to spend a lot of time with a chart, I will look at them. They give a planet's sign just that much extra meaning. And sometimes you can find the dodecatemoria (also commonly called dwads or duads) repeating patterns.

An interesting article: one of several on dwads.

Thanks for the link, waybread. I learned my Moon is in the Sagittarius section of Aquarius (20'). To examine 8 other astrological planets' duads or dwads will give more details on myself and my relations with family, friends and lovers.


Well-known member
The astrological ages have decans and duads (2000 or 2160 years long) - the Age of Pisces began with a Pisces duad (166-180 years) and decan (666-720 years) and ended with an Aries duad and Cancer decan. The precession of signs are backwards for astrological ages. And for epochs (26,000 years) - either we're in the epoch of Capricorn or Cancer starting either in 1AD or 2000 AD. Edit: and for millennium astrology, the first millennium or Virgo age circa 5000 BC - we're in the Aquarius age, but in the duad of Pisces, they usually last 83 years at a time.
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Well-known member
I believe more in the 12th harmonics than the duad and I wrote about this before and I have done extensive research on it.


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Now here's an example of dowds of: myself, plus one famous celebrity and leader.

Myself: Feb 15, 1980 - 26' Aqua (Aquarius), 2'5? Aqua (Taurus-not Aries).

Former President Donald Trump: Jun 14, 1946 - 22' Gemini (Sagittarius, close to Cap), 1' Gemini (Aries). Yes, dodecatemoria is helpful to determine our personalities.
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New member
A little and personal note on Dodecatemoria:

My ASC Dodecatemoria falls in the stubborn Taurus sign, being my ASC in one sign reputed to be very soft (undeservedly, because we produce a good amount of politicians). People usually say about me that I am extremelly stubborn with extremelly good manners.

The Taurus sign runs in my family quite strongly (two grandparents in total from each side). The other two grandparents are Leo (which is the Antiscion of Taurus) and Cancer (in sextile to Taurus). Mom is also a Leo. The Moon of the two women which have been my longest relationships is placed in Taurus. Father's Sun was in Libra, the other Venus ruled sign and his Moon, if born before noon, was also in Taurus.

They do have predictive value in synastry and family relationships (a point made in Jyotish AKA Vedic/Hindu Astrology, specially in relationship with (great)parents and older generations) And I think that points occupied by the Dodecatemoria of various bodies, Arabic Lots and House Cusps become sensitive points and should be activated by transit and/or primary/secondary directions if we are dealing with Predictive Astrology. Making some research on this, I promise.


Well-known member

Almost every Hellenistic astrologer mentioned the twelfth-parts.
Julius Firmicus Maternus 4th century says: "...For, if you want to explain the entire substance of
the astrological significations from the efficacy of the dodecatemories
and from the terms in which they are found, you will not be mistaken;
for the Babylonians attribute the supreme power of astrological decrees to the dodecatemories.
(Maternus, Book III, Ch. 9, #14, Holden trans., 2011, p. 170)

"...the genitures differ in a single constellation, because the individual signs vary
on account of the distribution of their divisions
and modulate their respective powers in the dodecatemories..."
(Manilius, Book II, #710-712, Goold trans., 1977, p. 139)

and Rhetorius 6th or 7th century regarded them as essential :)
"...And the method of dodecatemories is a necessity in nativities; and I also
put down the astrological significations of these
so that some might use them not just as in a secondary work...."
(Rhetorius, Ch. 18, Holden trans., 2009, p. 18)

Now I shall show briefly how you may inquire about the dodecatemories
for some think that they can find the entire substance of the nativity from them
and they intimate that whatever is concealed in the delineation
can be discovered from the dodecatemories...."
(Maternus, Book II, Ch. 17, #1, Holden trans., 2011, p. 59)

Abu Ma’shar used them in a myriad of predictive techniques from primary directions to solar returns.

Interestingly, they date back to Babylonian astrology in babylonian astrology&f=false
In fact, they are nearly as old as the regular zodiac itself
first appearing about 100 years after the first evidence of a regularized zodiac.



New member
Totally agree with you, JUPITERASC (BTW, you too? ;-) )
One think I've noticed is the Dodecatemoria of my Sun falls in Leo, and the things promised by the Sun in such a placement have been fulfilled wholly.


Well-known member
Totally agree with you, JUPITERASC (BTW, you too? ;-) )
One think I've noticed is the Dodecatemoria of my Sun falls in Leo, and the things promised by the Sun in such a placement have been fulfilled wholly.
Thank you for your eample feedback MarsVenus - useful for beginners to view personal validation :)
pf these recently translated ancient texts


conspiracy theorist

Well-known member
The astrologer over at seven stars has a bunch of articles on the dodeks (12th parts)

Apparently the old usage was to read the placements as you would your regular natal, thus the whole "secret chart" thing it has going on. In the past I have spoken to folks who have a problem with that (apparently it introduces clutter and some other arguments I can't recall presently) but they seem to explain a lot of things that the natal doesn't communicate.

Personally, the malefics become more dominant and forceful if you introduce 12th parts in the picture. The dodek of Saturn is in Libra along with the MC. This rings true especially with regard to timing techniques because important directions involving Saturn would always accompany career related situations. This is also neat because natally Venus is in Capricorn (and directions to Venus have similar outcomes)

Mars' 12th part is in Scorpio, sitting in the 12th house. For a number of reasons, this makes total sense. And this also describes the presence of the occult and the interest in magic in my life. The maleficence of Mars in this position has also shown itself to me very recently in major bodily harm (Mars is also conjunct the ascendant natally in Sag)

Jupiter's 12th part is in Leo in the 9th house, which already supercharges a prototypical Jupiter to pursue things to which it has affinity. Also reinforces the spiritual interests.

I think they are pretty relevant, but ymmv.
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Well-known member
Almost every Hellenistic astrologer mentioned the twelfth-parts.
Julius Firmicus Maternus 4th century says: "...For, if you want to explain the entire substance of
the astrological significations from the efficacy of the dodecatemories
and from the terms in which they are found, you will not be mistaken;
for the Babylonians attribute the supreme power of astrological decrees to the dodecatemories.
(Maternus, Book III, Ch. 9, #14, Holden trans., 2011, p. 170)

"...the genitures differ in a single constellation, because the individual signs vary

on account of the distribution of their divisions
and modulate their respective powers in the dodecatemories..."

(Manilius, Book II, #710-712, Goold trans., 1977, p. 139)

and Rhetorius 6th or 7th century regarded them as essential :)
"...And the method of dodecatemories is a necessity in nativities; and I also
put down the astrological significations of these
so that some might use them not just as in a secondary work...."

(Rhetorius, Ch. 18, Holden trans., 2009, p. 18)

Now I shall show briefly how you may inquire about the dodecatemories

for some think that they can find the entire substance of the nativity from them
and they intimate that whatever is concealed in the delineation
can be discovered from the dodecatemories...."
(Maternus, Book II, Ch. 17, #1, Holden trans., 2011, p. 59)

Abu Ma’shar used them in a myriad of predictive techniques from primary directions to solar returns.
Interestingly, they date back to Babylonian astrology in babylonian astrology&f=false
In fact, they are nearly as old as the regular zodiac itself
first appearing about 100 years after the first evidence of a regularized zodiac.


One traditional astrology enthusiast recently asked me, if I could add Dodecatemoria graphically also in the outer zodiac wheel (similar as Terms and Decans)

and so

Extended settings > Dodecatemoria

on the link you sent:

now enables to see dodecatemoria of natal chart ... and also dodecatemoria of dodecatemoria (1/12th of 1/12th) ... if someone would like to experiment with further sub-sub-divisions :) 🤓


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Well-known member
One traditional astrology enthusiast recently asked me, if I could add Dodecatemoria
graphically also in the outer zodiac wheel (similar as Terms and Decans)
and so Extended settings > Dodecatemoria
on the link you sent:

now enables to see dodecatemoria of natal chart ... and also dodecatemoria of dodecatemoria (1/12th of 1/12th) ...
if someone would like to experiment with further sub-sub-divisions
:) 🤓
cheers thank you kaktuzz - you're a star :)



Premium Member

One traditional astrology enthusiast recently asked me, if I could add Dodecatemoria graphically also in the outer zodiac wheel (similar as Terms and Decans)

and so

Extended settings > Dodecatemoria

on the link you sent:

now enables to see dodecatemoria of natal chart ... and also dodecatemoria of dodecatemoria (1/12th of 1/12th) ... if someone would like to experiment with further sub-sub-divisions :) 🤓
Thank you, kaktuss for your continuously generous offering. I learn and am able to share so much because of it.
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Well-known member
Found this thread I've made in 2017 within the 10 years I was a member of the AW (that was my 5th year), I should have a bull hitting the water carrier pot I described going after the world (it's me against the world is so Taurean).


Well-known member
JupiterASC, your image similar to my natal chart: 26-30' Moon in Aquarius (correct, except the 1-3' in Pisces), 20' rising in Cancer (incorrect to have the sun) and the decans are ruled by either the Moon or Mercury and Jupiter for 20' Cancer, and again either the moon or Venus and Saturn for 1-3' Pisces.