Saturn transiting my Sun

Mist Knacker

Well-known member
here I am again, with the Saturn transit almost exactly over my Sun, the last movement before Saturn leave my sun finally.
At the moment I feel very bad- I have severe anxiety, insomnia, I'm loosing my weight (I'm already skinny), I feel weak and exhausted and hopeless.
My marriage crisis isn't a big subject anymore, we love each other and our marriage is actually better since one year ago. But I still have fear of loss, of break down, fear of future, fear of loosing my family. I try to think positive and believe that I will feel better when Saturn leaves my sun in few weeks.
Maybe Saturn has nothing to do with feeling like this and I'm just trying to find an explanation why I feel so bad...
Some positive thoughts? Can Saturn over the Sun makes you feel like I feel at the moment?
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.:)

To find out if Saturn is a prominent player, check your precessed Solar Return for your current Solar Year and your precessed Lunar Return for the current month as well as other months when the problems started & when the transit was in close range.

To do a precessed return chart on, select Fagan-Bradley (sidereal) as the Zodiac and then Campanus as the house system. Then do the return chart. Precessed charts take precession of the Zodiac into account.

If you find Saturn within 6 degrees of an angle or in an angular sector, then Saturn is exerting a prominent influence for that given time period. Any time Saturn is angular is never an easy month. Mars is currently conjunct Saturn right now!

If you are able to, do your Vedic chart and see if you are running the main period, sub-period, or mini sub-period of Saturn or Sun.

Did any major event which may have instigated the current feelings happen on a Saturday or the 8th, 17th, or 26th day of a given month? Did the issues in general start on one of those days?

Saturday is the weekday ruled by Saturn, and the number 8 is ruled by Saturn in English numerology. These days are considered Saturn-Dominated Time intervals as well as Saturn hours in any day.