Why do I have speaking problems?


It seems like you have had the long transit of Neptune on the apex saturn of the yod in recent years which have probably made the issue more complex and confusing for you.
This transit is leaving you now. And it will be easier probably.

But also now transit Saturn is squaring your mercury in 11th house which can be experienced as restrictive energies in communication with friends and allies.

Perhaps not the best time for much light superficial social interaction anyway.

Really?! Wow ... no wonder I've been noticing it's a bit harder than usual to contact the people I need the most. There has also been a lot of communication problems happening between me and my teachers. One example is the time when my teachers thought I was skipping class (I told them I was going to the bathroom), but I guess they misunderstood me and thought I was skipping. They were looking all over for me around the school. Then when I got back. they asked me where I was, and I said I was in the bathroom. But they wouldn't believe me, so they sent me to the principal's office to have a talk with the principal and they were gonna suspend me for skipping class. But then I have a classmate who was also in the bathroom and he was the only one who witnessed that I really did went to the bathroom. So he told the principal about it and they finally believe me. So if it wasn't for him then I would've got suspended from school. I had many other communication problems that happened just recently too, but again, I don't want to go into too much details.


Well-known member
Hi Miquar,

Yeah I have siblings ... 3 older sisters. I'm the only boy in the family and the youngest. I dunno about critical, but sometimes my sisters would say something to me that makes me feel bad.

Like there were so many times where they told me I was lazy and dumb, have bad hygiene, why don't I have many friends, or why am I not normal compared to typical teenagers, etc.

My mom says a bunch of critical things to me too. Way worse than my sisters, but I don't want to go into too much detail ...

Yes that does sound like a typical experience of someone with Pluto in the 3rd, and this could have left you feeling uneasy about communication. Your Moon in Aries suggests that your mother felt confined by the sacrifices demanded by motherhood, and so this may have caused her to experience some resentment about that role.


Well-known member
That's funny, because when I was around 7 or 8, I was an EXTREMELY talkative guy. Like it was very easy for me to open up to random strangers and I would tell them everything!

But as I grew older, I've gotten more quiet for some reason ...

When you were about seven and a half your progressed Sun would have squared that 3rd house Pluto, perhaps igniting your passion for communicating. And Pluto can be about the unknown so that fits with strangers. Of course there would have been other progressions and transits at that time too that couls be relevant. Perhaps as the progressed Sun moved on to the Saturn Chiron opposition at around ten years old, you might have felt more inhibited about expressing yourself and some of that could have stayed with you.

But something else that occurs to me is that you have Sun and Moon in expressive fire houses and in sociable air houses, suggesting that your natural inclination is to be like you were at 7 or 8. You might want to reflect on the experiences that have changed your inclinations since that time. Perhaps adolescence left some scars. It can be that the difficult aspects in a chart are silent for the first part of life and then some difficult experience awakens them, or causes them to be felt with a new and challenging immediacy. Perhaps this could be said about your Sun Pluto square, in spite of what I also said about the progression of Sun to exact square to Pluto.

Was your mother always critical of you, or were you the protected baby for a time, before something shifted in the dynamic between you (perhaps connected to your older sisters finding lives of their own and your mother being jealous, or her seeing you differently as you approached adolescence and weren't her little boy any more). Adolescence is a very awkward time and it wouldn't have helped your new identity to emerge in a healthy way if your mother and sisters were saying belittling things to you.

Perhaps its a case of reclaiming your 3rd house Plutonian power so that you can shed the inhibiting skin that grew on you during this time???
Your Moon makes some aspects that I have tentatively associated with autism or mildly autistic traits. I am not an expert, that is just an observation I have made out of the corner of my eye, and I could, easily, be wrong. I wish I could avoid using the term "autism" because it is loaded with assumptions about total inability to relate to the world, whereas it is a spectrum extending to a lot of people who seem completely normal and struggle with various forms of communication and meaning.

Autism seems to be about the Moon, a very common pattern in autistic charts is to see the Moon caught up in a tight hard aspect with that generational Chiron/Uranus opposition. But it can get caught up in other duality patterns too.

Your Solar Arc progressed descendant is conjunct your natal seventh house Moon at roughly age 19. Solar Arcs are the chart angles moved one degree for every year of life, backwards or forwards, and tend to begin their influence at one degree applying, and after that are triggered by a transit.
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