Sun square Mars · astrological aspect · astrology aspect /aspects  ·  April 19, 2024, 23:38 GMT
Right now: Moon at 16°27' Virgo, Sun at 0°24' Taurus

Sun square Mars

Sun square Mars - astrological aspect

Astrology aspects - Sun square Mars You may be confronted with frustrations and a lack of satisfaction with this aspect, partly as a consequence of your own attitudes and style of expression which often spoil your chances for success and fulfilment. You can feel a restless energy seeking release, and this inner agitation linked to strong desires can lead to an uneven and eventful life, resulting from the effects of impulsive and sometimes ill-considered actions. You easily become impatient, especially when results are slow in coming, feeling anger and frustration; your natural reaction then is to apply more force and will-power to attain your aims, but this does not necessarily create the effects you want. By tending to act without prior thought, you often sow the seeds of your future failures, undermining what might have been perfectly reasonable plans if they had been more carefully thought out.

You are a self-seeking individual, looking to impose your presence on society and make a mark on the world. Striving to prove your worth, you may find that by modifying your approach you achieve greater success. You can have plenty of energy and enthusiasm, yet one problem can lie in your ability to direct and focus these along positive and constructive channels. It may be that certain lessons require learning before your path forward opens. More forethought and planning would be helpful, minimising wastage of energy and restrictive directions, enabling you to plan ahead and form contingency routes to surmount any predictable obstacles. Patience is necessary, so that temporary setbacks do not frustrate too much, and you are able to rely on ingenuity and faith in your abilities to persevere. Being able to maintain your directional focus is also important, as there is a tendency to lose confdidence and change direction when you hit obstacles and disappointing results.

Changing your relationships may also be a key which benefits you, especially in consciously modifying any tendencies towards arguing, demanding attention, egocentricity and being temperamental. WHile you can be good company, your lack of tact and diplomacy is sometimes striking; ill-considered impulsive comments may not be appreciated nor any attempts to hijack conversations so that they focus just on you and your interests. You can react against any opposing points of view, often seeing them as a personal attack, rather than carefully listening to see if they offer new perspectives which can enrich your perception and understanding of life or a specific topic.

Sexuality will be a major focus of expression, and your passions will run strongly with this aspect, although there may also be frustrations and constraints facing you. These could range from a lack of a partner, to desiring someone who is unattainable, to falling out of love with a partner. An ideal lover is one who suits your needs on every level, and careful choice needs to be taken in deciding to settle down with anyone, or else you may discover that freedom has been restricted through an impulsive action. Right choices depend on self-knowledge; deepening self-understanding will reveal the type of partner who can complement you. Be wary of allowing a contentious nature to interfere with your intimate relationships, or else they could degenerate into an emotional battlefield. If your sexual energies remain high, and there is little opportunity for a healthy release, then to avoid becoming increasingly irritable and unstable, a redirection into creative channels may be recommended. Allowing sexual preoccupations to become dominant in the personality is also unwise and rebalancing may be necessary for adjustment.

With several personality modifications, your future can look more promising, adn you may direct energies into the spheres of writing, law, medicine, teaching, or military-style careers which could suit your temperament, although limitations on freedom may also occur. Freedom is important to you, so you may oppose any demands for commitment made of you, through work or partnership; and, until that issue is resolved, you may feel unable to take full advantage of presented opportunities. If you are confronted with situations which may compromise your freedom, then you react by being less decisive, as you hate feeling imprisoned in any way. Finding employment that allows you scope for movement and independence, and a partner that recognises this need, may be a step in the righ direction. Your abilities are present, but may require unlocking to become manifest, yet once they begin to flow can be highly transformative.
All astrological aspects:  

Astrological aspects definitions

Conjunction - 1st harmonic aspect
Opposition - 2nd harmonic aspect
Trine - 3rd harmonic aspect
Square - 4th harmonic aspect
Quintile - 5th harmonic aspect
Sextile - 6th harmonic aspect
Septile - 7th harmonic aspect
Semisquare - 8th harmonic aspect
Novile - 9th harmonic aspect

All aspects explained

Sun's aspects
Moon's aspects
Mercury's aspects
Venus' aspects
Mars' aspects
Jupiter's aspects
Saturn's aspects
Uranus' aspects
Neptune's aspects
Pluto's aspects
North Node's aspects
Ascendant's aspects
Midheaven's aspects

Sun's aspects

Sun's aspects to the Moon

Sun conjunct Moon
Sun sextile Moon
Sun square Moon
Sun trine Moon
Sun quincunx Moon
Sun opposition Moon

Sun's aspects to Mercury

Sun conjunct Mercury

Sun's aspects to Venus

Sun conjunct Venus

Sun's aspects to Mars

Sun conjunct Mars
Sun sextile Mars
Sun square Mars
Sun trine Mars
Sun quincunx Mars
Sun opposition Mars

Sun's aspects to Jupiter

Sun conjunct Jupiter
Sun sextile Jupiter
Sun square Jupiter
Sun trine Jupiter
Sun quincunx Jupiter
Sun opposition Jupiter

Sun's aspects to Saturn

Sun conjunct Saturn
Sun sextile Saturn
Sun square Saturn
Sun trine Saturn
Sun quincunx Saturn
Sun opposition Saturn

Sun's aspects to Uranus

Sun conjunct Uranus
Sun sextile Uranus
Sun square Uranus
Sun trine Uranus
Sun quincunx Uranus
Sun opposition Uranus

Sun's aspects to Neptune

Sun conjunct Neptune
Sun sextile Neptune
Sun square Neptune
Sun trine Neptune
Sun quincunx Neptune
Sun opposition Neptune

Sun's aspects to Pluto

Sun conjunct Pluto
Sun sextile Pluto
Sun square Pluto
Sun trine Pluto
Sun quincunx Pluto
Sun opposition Pluto

Sun's aspects to the Ascendant

Sun conjunct Ascendant
Sun sextile Ascendant
Sun square Ascendant
Sun trine Ascendant
Sun quincunx Ascendant
Sun opposition Ascendant

Sun's aspects to the Midheaven

Sun conjunct Midheaven
Sun sextile Midheaven
Sun square Midheaven
Sun trine Midheaven
Sun quincunx Midheaven
Sun opposition Midheaven

Sun's aspects to the North Node

Sun conjunct North Node
Sun sextile North Node
Sun square North Node
Sun trine North Node
Sun opposition North Node